Walk Humbly with God: Understanding Micah 6:1-8

Rev. Bradley Swire   -  

Over the past two weeks, we’ve been diving into Micah’s response to the question the people of Judah posed to God after realizing they had strayed from His ways: “God, what do you expect from me?!” Micah provides a threefold answer from God. First, we discussed seeking justice, which means doing what you already know is right in your daily life and interactions with others. Last week, we explored embracing faithful love, rooted in the Hebrew word “Hesed,” reflecting God’s steadfast love and faithfulness toward us, and how we should respond in kind. Today, we focus on the third part: walking humbly with God.

The word humble in Greek and Hebrew translates to “the lowering of oneself” or “to make oneself lower than another.” We might understand this in different ways, but one clear example is the physical act of lowering oneself, such as kneeling at a prayer altar in church. When we kneel and bow our heads, we show reverence and respect to God. Similarly, in conversations, making eye contact shows we are fully engaged and respectful. Physically humbling ourselves before God is a way of acknowledging His greatness and our recognition of His mightiness.

There’s a story about a statue of Christ in a Scandinavian country. A tourist standing before it appeared dismayed because he couldn’t see Christ’s face. A local explained, “If you desire to see His face, you must kneel at His feet.” This physical act of humbling ourselves is just the beginning.

Walking humbly with God means much more than occasional physical acts of humility. It involves a lifestyle of service to Christ. Every decision and action should be rooted in how it will glorify God, how it reflects the kingdom of God, and how it aligns with the teachings and actions of Jesus. It’s about putting God and the message of the Gospel ahead of ourselves.

John Wesley referred to this as sanctification or the sanctifying grace of God. Wesley taught that through sanctifying grace, we grow and mature in our ability to live as Jesus lived. By praying, studying Scripture, fasting, worshiping, and sharing in fellowship with other Christians, we deepen our knowledge and love for God. By responding with compassion to human need and working for justice in our communities, we strengthen our capacity to love our neighbors. Our inner thoughts and motives, as well as our outer actions and behavior, should align with God’s will, testifying to our union with Him. This is what it means to walk humbly with God.

Even Jesus humbled Himself before God. He was obedient to the point of death on a cross, fulfilling God’s will. One profound example of Jesus’ humility is when He washed His disciples’ feet. The world has never known a greater act of humbleness, love, and humility than when God, through Jesus, knelt down to wash the dirty feet of His own creation.

So, how are we washing the feet of others today? What are we doing in our lives to walk humbly with God and live into sanctifying grace? How are we seeking justice, embracing faithful love, and walking humbly with God in every aspect of our personal lives and as a church?

I encourage you all to reflect on these questions. Survey your lives and consider whether you are living in a way that pleases God. What changes do you need to make to walk humbly with Him? Let’s strive to live lives that reflect His justice, love, and humility in all we do.